
Get started

The Get Started page walks you through the preliminary steps for getting running in your application. This information is very similar to what's documented in the Get Started guide.


This page contains your API keys. It's important to download your API keys to a safe place, as they will be removed from the admin console after 7 days.


The Playground page gives access to a simple passwordless demo you can use for testing devices.


The Users page allows you to monitor the end-users with passkeys registered for your application. For each user, as determined by their userId, you'll be able to view:


Credentials registered to each user are listed. Learn what data is stored for each credential.


Aliases registered to each user are listed, however aliases that are hashed cannot be viewed here (learn more).


The Settings page will offer some options for configuring your application, including what planopen in new window your application is on. More to come.

Api key management

There are several operations you can perform on your API keys:

LockAPI key is unlockedYesLocking an API key will prevent it from being used. You will typically receive a 403 HTTP status code.
UnlockAPI key is lockedYesUnlocking an API key will allow it to be used again.
CreateYesCreating an API key will allow you to interact with the API. You are allowed to create as many API keys as you like.
DeleteApi key is lockedNoDeleting an API key will permanently remove it.

Manually Generated Authentication Tokens

Manually Generated Authentication Tokens allow you to create a custom sign-in flow specific to your application. This could be incredibly useful in account recovery, identity verification, etc. To enable this feature, go to the Settings page, scroll to the Manually Generated Authentication Tokens section, check the box, and click Save.

You should now be able to call to retrieve a manually generated authentication token to be used to sign-in without a passkey. For more information, please refer to the documentation.

Magic Links provides you with the ability to email your users a link that will redirect them to your application without having to configure your own email provider. This feature can be enabled by going to the Settings page, scrolling to the Magic Links section, checking the box, and clicking Save.

You should now be able to call to send Magic Link emails to your users. For more information, please refer to the documentation.

Authentication Configurations

Authentication Configurations allow you to fine tune the tokens being used through the signin or stepup client methods. The two default purposes are sign-in and step-up. You can configure the TTL on each of them and change the User Verification requirement. However, they cannot be deleted.

You can create additional configurations to suit your needs and pass through the purposes through the stepup() client method.