Backend API Reference

The private API is used by your backend to initiate key registrations, verify sign-ins, retrieve keys for end-users, and more.

All requests made to this API require your API private secret in the header for authentication. Requests made to the public API, which are facilitated by methods in the JavaScript client, will instead require your API public key.



POST requests made to the /register/token endpoint create a registration token for a user, which will be used by your frontend to negotiate creation of a WebAuth credential.

The request body must include at least a userId and username for example:

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "userId": "107fb578-9559-4540-a0e2-f82ad78852f7",
  "username": "[email protected]",
  "displayname": "Philip J Fry",

The request body may include additional parameters besides those required, all of which are listed here:

ParameterDescriptionExample Value
userIdRequired. A WebAuthn User Handle, which should be generated by your application. This is used to identify your user (could be a database primary key ID or a guid). Max. 64 bytes. Should not contain PII about the user."107fb578-9559-4540-a0e2-f82ad78852f7"
usernameRequired. A human-palatable identifier for a user account. It is intended only for display, i.e., aiding the user in determining the difference between user accounts with similar displayNames. Used in Browser UI's and never stored on the server"[email protected]"
displaynameA human-palatable name for the account, which should be chosen by the user. Used in Browser UI's and never stored on the server."Philip J Fry"
attestationWebAuthn attestation conveyance preference. Only "none" (default) is supported on 'Trial' & 'Pro' plans. While 'Enterprise' can also use "direct" or "indirect". (learn more)"none" (default)
authenticatorTypeWebAuthn authenticator attachment modality. Can be "any" (default), "platform", which triggers client device-specific options Windows Hello, FaceID, or TouchID, or "cross-platform", which triggers roaming options like security keys."any" (default)
discoverableIf true, creates a client-side Discoverable Credential that allows sign in without needing a username.true (default)
userVerificationAllows choosing preference for requiring User Verification (biometrics, pin code etc) when authenticating Can be "preferred" (default), "required" or "discouraged"."preferred"
expiresAtTimestamp (UTC) when the registration token should expire. By default, current time + 120 seconds."3023-08-01T14:43:03Z"
aliasesA array of aliases for the userId, such as an email or username. Used to initiate a sign-in on the client side with the signinWithAlias() method. An alias must be unique to the userId. Defaults to an empty array [].["[email protected]"]
aliasHashingWhether aliases should be hashed before being stored. Defaults to true.true


If successful, the /register/token endpoint will create a registration token returned as json, for example:

{ "token": "register_wWdDh02ItIvnCKT_02ItIvn..." }

This registration token will will be used by your frontend to negotiate creation of a WebAuth credential.



POST requests made to the /signin/verify endpoint unpack an authentication token, which must be generated by calling a .signinWith*() method on your frontend (learn more) and included here in the request body, for example:

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "token": "d5vzCkL_GvpS4VYtoT3..."

The private API will unpack the authentication token to check its legitimacy.


If successful, the /signin/verify endpoint will return a success response object, for example:

  "success": true,
  "userId": "123",
  "timestamp": "3023-08-01T14:43:03Z",
  "rpid": "localhost",
  "origin": "http://localhost:3000",
  "device": "Firefox, Windows 10",
  "country": "SE",
  "nickname": "My Work Phone",
  "expiresAt": "3023-08-01T14:43:03Z",
  "tokenId": "TODO",
  "type": "passkey_signin" // or passkey_register

Use the .success value (true or false) to determine next actions, i.e. whether to complete the sign-in (learn more).



POST requests made to the /signin/generate-token endpoint create a manually generated authentication token for a user, side-stepping the regular sign-in flow (i.e. the .signinWith*() methods). The resulting token can then be verified through the /signin/verify endpoint and used just like a regular authentication token.

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "userId": "123"


If successful, the /signin/generate-token endpoint will return a response object, for example:

  "token": "d5vzCkL_GvpS4VYtoT3..."



POST requests made to the /alias endpoint add aliases (learn more) to a user, dictated by their userId, in order to allow sign-in with additional usernames, email addresses, etc.

The request body must include the user's userId and a complete array of aliases, as pre-existing aliases are overwritten when the POST request is made, for example:

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "userId": "107fb578-9559-4540-a0e2-f82ad78852f7",
  "aliases": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"
  "hashing": true


By default, "hashing": true will be turned on to hash aliases before they're stored. Hashed aliases will not be viewable to you in the admin console.

A few rules to take into consideration when allowing users to create aliases:

  • An alias must be unique to the specified userId.
  • An alias must be no more than 250 characters.
  • A userID may have no more than 10 aliases associated with it.


Alias are never returned in any API responses, and can be hashed to preserve user privacy (see above). If successful, the /alias endpoint will return an HTTP 204 (No Content) status code.



GET requests made to the /credentials/list endpoint list all registered credentials associated with a user, as dictated by their userId. The request must include the userId in question, for example:

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4


If successful, the /credentials/list endpoint will return an array of .json objects where each object represents a registered credential:

    "descriptor": {
      "type": "public-key",
      "id": "2mgrJ6LPItfxbnVc2UgFPHowNGKaYBm3Pf4so1bsXSk"
    "publicKey": "pQECAyYgASFYIPi4M0A+ZFeyOHEC9iMe6dVhFnmOZdgac3MRmfqVpZ0AIlggWZ+l6+5rOGckXAsJ8i+mvPm4YuRQYDTHiJhIauagX4Q=",
    "userHandle": "YzhhMzJlNWItNDZkMy00ODA4LWFlMTAtMTZkM2UyNmZmNmY5",
    "signatureCounter": 0,
    "createdAt": "2023-04-21T13:33:50.0764103",
    "aaGuid": "adce0002-35bc-c60a-648b-0b25f1f05503",
    "lastUsedAt": "2023-04-21T13:33:50.0764103",
    "rpid": "",
    "origin": "",
    "country": "US",
    "device": "Chrome, Mac OS X 10",
    "nickname": "Fred's Macbook Pro 2",
    "userId": "c8a32e5b-46d3-4808-ae10-16d3e26ff6f9"
  } //, ...

Learn more about what these key-value pairs signify.



POST requests made to the /credentials/delete endpoint delete a specific credential associated with a user, as dictated by a credentialId. The request must include the credentialId in question, for example:

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "credentialId": "qgB2ZetBhi0rIcaQK8_HrLQzXXfwKia46_PNjUC2L_w"


If successful, the /credentials/delete endpoint will return an HTTP 204 (No Content) status code.


POST requests made to the /magic-links/send endpoint emails the address provided with a Magic Link. This magic link contains a URL, provided by you, that will redirect the recipient to an endpoint in your application. From here, you can send the token has embedded in the link to verify the token at signin/verify.

Important does not store user emails. When integrating Magic Links, you should validate that the email and user id are for the same user. Otherwise, you may introduce a security vulnerability within your application.

The request must include all three fields.

  • emailAddress: Recipient of the magic link. Must be a valid email address.
  • urlTemplate: This is the URL that users will be directed to when they click the link. It should be a valid URL except for the token template string, $TOKEN. We will swap $TOKEN with the actual token value before sending the email. In your application, you should parse the token out of the url (most easily done with a query parameter as seen below) and send it to the signin/verify endpoint to validate the request.
  • userId: The identifier of the user the email is intended for.
  • timeToLive: (OPTIONAL) Number of seconds the magic link token should be valid for. If not set, the default value is 1 hour.
ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
  "urlTemplate": "$TOKEN"
  "userId": "c8a32e5b-46d3-4808-ae10-16d3e26ff6f9"
  "timeToLive": 3600


If successful, the /magic-links/send endpoint will return an HTTP 204 (No Content) status code.

If Magic Links has not been enabled, the /magic-links/send endpoint will return an HTTP 403 (Unauthorized) status code along with a message about enabling the Magic Links feature.



GET requests made to the /auth-configs/list endpoint will return a .json object containing a list of authentication configurations that can be used by the application. It can be filtered to one specific configuration by passing the purpose name as a query parameter.

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4

For more information about Authentication Configurations, please see the concepts page.


If successful, the /auth-configs/list endpoint will return a .json object containing a list of authentication configurations:

  "configurations": [
      "purpose": "sign-in",
      "timeToLive": 120,
      "userVerificationRequirement": "preferred",
      "createdBy": "System",
      "createdOn": null,
      "editedBy": null,
      "editedOn": null,
      "lastUsedOn": null
      "purpose": "step-up",
      "timeToLive": 180,
      "userVerificationRequirement": "required",
      "createdBy": "System",
      "createdOn": null,
      "editedBy": null,
      "editedOn": null,
      "lastUsedOn": null



POST requests to /auth-configs/add will create an authentication configuration for the authentication process. There are some restrictions on the request object.

  • purpose: A-z, 0-9, -, and _ are the allowed characters. Max length of purpose is 255 characters.
  • timeToLive: Positive time span value (hh:mm:ss)
  • userVerificationRequirement: preferred, required, discouraged
  • performedBy: user identifier to track changes to the configuration
ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "purpose": "access-secrets-purpose", // identifying string give context to the specific authentication
  "timeToLive": "00:03:00", // timespan the token is valid for
  "userVerificationRequirement": "preferred" // requirement for if the user has to verify they're allowed to use an authenticator
  "performedBy": "user_123" // user identifier to track changes to the configuration


If successful, the /auth-configs/add endpoint will return an HTTP 201 (Created) status code.
If unsuccessful, the /auth-configs/add endpoint will return an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code with a problem details body.



POST requests to /auth-configs will edit an authentication configuration for the authentication process. There are some restrictions on the request object.

  • purpose: Must be an existing purpose (If a new purpose is passed here, a 404 will be returned)
  • timeToLive: Positive time span value (hh:mm:ss)
  • userVerificationRequirement: preferred, required, discouraged
  • performedBy: user identifier to track changes to the configuration
ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "purpose": "access-secrets-purpose", // existing purpose
  "timeToLive": "00:03:00", // timespan the token is valid for
  "userVerificationRequirement": "preferred" // requirement for if the user has to verify they're allowed to use an authenticator
  "performedBy": "user_123" // user identifier to track changes to the configuration


If successful, the /auth-configs endpoint will return an HTTP 204 (No Content) status code.
If an unknown purpose is passed through, the /auth-configs endpoint will return an HTTP 404 (Not Found) status code.



POST requests made to the /auth-configs/delete endpoint delete a specific authentication configuration, as specified by a purpose.

ApiSecret: myapplication:secret:11f8dd7733744f2596f2a28544b5fbc4
Content-Type: application/json

  "purpose": "access-secrets-purpose", // existing purpose
  "performedBy": "user_123" // user identifier to track changes to the configuration


If successful, the /auth-configs/delete endpoint will return an HTTP 204 (No Content) status code.
If an unknown purpose is passed through, the /auth-configs/delete endpoint will return an HTTP 404 (Not Found) status code.

Status codes

The API returns HTTP Status codes for each request.

In case you receive an error, you will also receive a JSON serialized summary of the error in the form of problem details. For more information, see the Errors page.

HTTP CodeMessageStatus
200Everything is OK.
201Everything is OK, resource created.
204Everything is OK, response is empty.
400Bad request. (see problem details for more info).🔴
401You did not identify yourself.🔴
403You are not allowed to perform the action. (see problem details for more info).🔴
409Conflict (see problem details for more info).🔴
429Too many requests (see problem details for more info).🔴
500Something went very wrong on our side.🔴