Create a SDK

This document provides guidelines for creating an official or community SDK for

General recommendations

  1. Choose an open source license like Apache 2.0open in new window
  2. Host your code on GitHub or GitLab
  3. Name it passwordless-{language/framework} (e.g. passwordless-dotnet)
  4. Add documentation and examples (see below)
  5. Follow best practices for SDKs in the target ecosystem


In your README we recommend to give users the info they need to get started.


  • Mention that this is a community project
  • Point users to the official Passwordless docs:
  • ... and the admin portal to create an account:


Describe how to install / set up the SDK.

Getting Started

Provide a basic usage example.

API Reference

Document the SDK methods that wrap the Passwordless API.


Include a simple app that creates and verifies a passkey e.g. some examples might look like this:

Scope of the SDK

Use the API reference documentationopen in new window as your blueprint on what methods to add. Please see the official SDKs (e.g. passwordless-dotnetopen in new window and passwordless-nodejsopen in new window) for a reference of methods and how to implement them.

Testing and CI / CD

Configure automated tests and CI / CD (e.g. GitHub Actions) for quality.

Language SDK vs. Framework SDK

We encourage different flavors of SDKs and integrations as described here:

  • Language SDK: wraps the HTTP API in the target language, e.g. dotnet, python, or ruby
  • Framework SDK: integrates the Language SDK into an opinionated framework, e.g. ASP.NET, Flask, Rails, Nuxt, or Laravel
  • Plugin: integrates as a Plugin to a existing system, e.g. Wordpress, Umbraco, etc.


Hope this helps provide some best practices for creating high-quality Passwordless SDKs! Let us know if you have any other questions by reaching out to [email protected].