

FIDO2 is the world wide web consortium (W3C) standard's specification for web authentication (WebAuthn), and client to authenticator protocol (CTAP). FIDO authentication standards were developed in order to provide authentication that is more secure than standard passwords and SMS 2FA. Using FIDO authentication standards can provide a secure experience that is simpler for consumers to use and developers to implement. Learn more about FIDO at FIDO Allianceopen in new window.

FIDO2 consists of two standardized components, WebAuthn and CTAP. Together, these standards operate to create a secure and passwordless experience.

  • WebAuthn is an API that connects a relying party to an application or login system. In a practical sense, WebAuthn creates an easy connection between the web and an application to allow passwordless authentication to occur. Learn more about WebAuthn hereopen in new window.
  • CTAP2 The client to authenticator protocol components allow an external and portable authenticator (security key) to operate with a client platform. FIDO CTAP2 is responsible for the external factor, like a security key, communicating with a website or account via an authenticator.

In order to achieve FIDO2 compliance, the authentication process will incorporate both WebAuthn and CTAP2 standards.


Passkeys are a replacement for passwords that provide faster, easier, and more secure sign-ins to websites and apps across a user's devices. More precisely, "passkey" is a consumer-friendly term for a discoverable FIDO credential that can be synced to allow secure passwordless sign-ins across devices, or dedicated to a single piece of hardware as a device-bound passkey.

Passkeys may also have the capability to provide step-up authentication when bound to a device.

Discoverable Credential

A Discoverable Credential is a passkey that is usable for authentication without the server requiring a credentialId first. This means that you don't need to first identify the user with a username or email, making it even simpler to sign-in. Passkeys are an example of Discoverable Credentials.

User identifiers

The FIDO2 specification defines several user identifiers which are or can be used by in various registration and sign-in operations:

  • A userId is a unique string that represents the WebAuthn Userhandleopen in new window. This value is not meant to be displayed to a user and should not contain personally identifiable information. Authentication attempts are made exclusively against userId values. Examples of a userId is a database primary key, such as an int 123 or a guid a2bd8bf7-2145-4a5a-910f-8fdc9ef421d3.
  • A username (Only for display purposes) A human-palatable identifier for a user account. It is intended only for display, i.e., aiding the user in determining the difference between user accounts with similar displayNames. Used in Browser UI's and never stored in the database. E.g. [email protected]
  • A display name (Only for display purposes) is a human-palatable name for the account, which should be chosen by the user and only used in your application's UI. E.g. Philip J. Fry
  • An alias is a user-facing reference to a userId which allows sign-in with additional usernames, email addresses, etc. By default, aliases are hashed before being stored to preserve user privacy. Multiple aliases can be set for a userId by making requests to the /alias endpoint (learn more), however the following rules should be taken into consideration when allowing users to create aliases:
    • An alias must be unique to the specified userId.
    • An alias must be no more than 250 characters.
    • A userId may have no more than 10 aliases associated with it.

Authenticator types

FIDO2 authenticators can be one of two types:

  • Platform authenticators are device-resident authenticators, like macOS FaceID or TouchID, or Windows Hello, which cannot be accessed via protocols like USB or NFC.
  • Roaming authenticators (also called "cross-platform") are detachable device-agnostic authenticators, like USB security keys, that can connect to multiple devices over a supported transport protocol like USB or NFC.

Product components

Architecturally, consists of three key parts:

  • An open-source client side library, used by your frontend to make requests to end-users browsers' WebAuthn API and requests to the APIs.
  • A public RESTful API, used by your frontend to complete FIDO2 WebAuthn cryptographic exchanges with the browser.
  • A private RESTful API, used by your backend to initiate key registrations, verify sign-ins, and retrieve keys for end-users.

API keys

Registering an application with the admin console will create a set of API keys:

  • ApiKey: A public API key, safe and intended to be included client side. It allows the browser to connect to our backend and initiate key negotiations and assertions. Public API keys are in the format:

    //e.g. myapp:public:a28e285ec8b64ca58a3dec90c5af48c2
  • ApiSecret: A private API key, or private secret, that should be well protected. It allows your backend to verify sign-ins and register keys on behalf of your users. Private API secrets are in the format:

    //e.g. myapp:secret:42cd551fb288371812596e211fbc2a5a


A credential represents a FIDO2 authenticator that is registered by for a user. Examples of credentials include passkeysopen in new window and hardware security keysopen in new window. For each credential, the following information is stored:

descriptorIdA Base64Url string representation of the byte array that identifies the specific credential. Also referred to as the credentialId.
publicKeyThe credential's public key, used to cryptographically verify authentication. Note: Knowing the public key does not give access to an account/credential.
userIdThe unique identifier that is associated with a specific user account. It can be used to retrieve information about the user. E.g. 123.
signatureCounterThe number of times this credential has been used for authentication.
createdAtTimestamp (UTC) when the credential was registered for the application.
aaGuidThe Authenticator Attestation GUID is a unique identifier that is used to identify your authenticator when it is registered.
lastUsedAtTimestamp (UTC) when the credential was last used for authentication for the application.
rpidRelying party identifier for the application the credential is registered for.
originThe domain name or IP address of the service using the API.
countryCountry code indicating where the credential is located or registered.
deviceDevice information for the device on which the credential resides, for example Chrome, Mac OS X 10.
nicknameA user-specified name associated with this specific credential, for example My Macbook.


In the regular course of business, uses two important types of ephemeral tokens:

  • A registration token, created by the private API from requests to the /register/token endpoint (learn more). Your frontend will register this token with the end-user's device for use in sign-in operations.
  • An authentication token, created by the public API from calls to the .signin() method (learn more). Your backend will verify this token to complete a sign-in operation (via the /signin/verify endpoint).

Additionally, uses other types of tokens for special purposes:

  • A manually generated authentication token, created by the private API from requests to the /signin/generate-token endpoint. This token carries the same weight as a regular authentication token, but is generated manually, side-stepping the usual authentication flow. It's primarily used to facilitate account recovery and sign-in via magic links.



Attestation is only supported in our 'Enterprise' plan. Read more about our plans hereopen in new window.

While WebAuthn is very secure, attestation enhances the security of the WebAuthn registration process by allowing the relying party to receive and verify information about the authenticator.

noneAllThe authenticator provides its attestation information, but without a meaningful cryptographic signature. This is less secure compared to other attestation types and is generally used when a relying party doesn't need strong proof of the authenticator's characteristics.
directEnterpriseThe authenticator provides its attestation information directly to the relying party. However, it's important to note that "direct" attestation is essentially synonymous with "self-attestation." The authenticator makes a statement about its own properties without involving a third-party attestation certificate.
indirectEnterpriseThe authenticator includes a signed attestation statement from an Attestation Certificate Authority (AttCA). The attestation statement from the AttCA provides a cryptographic proof of the authenticator's characteristics, enhancing the security of the attestation process.
enterprisen/aGives enterprises the ability to uniquely identify authenticators to determine if they have been approved for use in a protected environment.

The relying party can use the attestation information to make informed decisions about whether to trust the authenticator and to assess the level of security provided by the user's device. It's important to note that while attestation enhances security, it is not mandatory for the basic operation of WebAuthn. WebAuthn can still work without attestation, but its use is recommended for stronger security practices.

Authentication Configurations

Authentication configurations allow you to configure your authentication token used in the signin() and stepup() client methods. Each method passes parameters into the authenticator accessed by the browser. Authentication Configurations allow for the Time to Live of the authentication token and the User Verification Requirement setting to be set for the given authentication workflow.

There are two default Authentication Configurations for each application, step-up and sign-in. They are used in their respective client methods as the purpose of the authentication. They can be edited, and if deleted, they will revert back to their default settings. Authentication Configurations can be accessed via the API or Admin Console.

More terms

Relying party

The relying party (RP) is the server that processes requests for access to a resource. A web application that verifies a user's credentials during an access request would be an example of a RP.

Relying party ID

The ID for relying parties provides the technology platform and identification that correspond with the given domain.

User verification

A FIDO2 server RP can interact with an authenticator to verify a user. This can be done via PIN code, biometrics, or other 2FA methods that securely verify that the proper person is accessing an account.