
Getting Started

Add to your pom.xml the dependency to our package:



This Java implementation is compatible with Java 8 and above. A register function might look something like:

Create PasswordlessClient instance:

import com.bitwarden.passwordless.*;


public class PasswordlessJavaSdkExample implements Closeable {

    private final PasswordlessClient client;

    public PasswordlessClientExample() {
        PasswordlessOptions options = PasswordlessOptions.builder()

        client = PasswordlessClientBuilder.create(options)

    public void close() throws IOException {

Note: You need to close the underlying http client resources when you are done
using PasswordlessClient with close method.

Register a passkey

import com.bitwarden.passwordless.*;
import com.bitwarden.passwordless.error.*;
import com.bitwarden.passwordless.model.*;

import java.util.*;

public class PasswordlessJavaSdkExample {

    private final PasswordlessClient client;

    // Constructor

    public String getRegisterToken(String alias) throws PasswordlessApiException, IOException {

        // Get existing userid from session or create a new user.
        String userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        // Options to give the Api
        RegisterToken registerToken = RegisterToken.builder()
                // your user id
                // e.g. user email, is shown in browser ui
                // Optional: Link this userid to an alias (e.g. email)

        RegisteredToken response = client.registerToken(registerToken);

        // return this token
        return response.getToken();

Verify user

import com.bitwarden.passwordless.*;
import com.bitwarden.passwordless.error.*;
import com.bitwarden.passwordless.model.*;


public class PasswordlessJavaSdkExample {

    private final PasswordlessClient client;

    // Constructor

    public VerifiedUser verifySignInToken(String token) throws PasswordlessApiException, IOException {

        VerifySignIn signInVerify = VerifySignIn.builder()

        // Sign the user in, set a cookie, etc,
        return client.signIn(signInVerify);


Customize PasswordlessOptions by providing apiSecret with your Application's Private API Key.
You can also change the apiUrl if you prefer to self-host.

Customize PasswordlessClientBuilder by providing httpClient CloseableHttpClientopen in new window instance
and objectMapper ObjectMapperopen in new window.


See Passwordless Java Exampleopen in new window for Spring Boot 3 application
using this library.